Favorite blog posts, January 2015

Interesting and useful woodwindy blog posts from January:

Counting rhythms with a non-quarter-note pulse

Sometimes my students are stymied by rhythms like this: These rhythms are really not at all difficult to play—to actually execute—for an intermediate-level student. The problem is just one of unfamiliar notation. It is usually related to the all-too-common misconception that the rhythmic pulse is always equal to a quarter note. If you approach this … Read more

Interview: Sal Lozano, saxophone and woodwind artist

Lately I have been enjoying Sal Lozano‘s recent CD, Everything’s Gonna Be Great (available from CD Baby and iTunes). The album is 13 charts by Tom Kubis for 5-piece saxophone section with rhythm section, and Sal plays all five of the saxophone parts. It’s a lot of fun, Sal sounds great, and there’s an all-star … Read more

University of New Mexico offers new multiple woodwinds degree

The University of New Mexico is now offering a masters degree program in multiple woodwinds. A few items of interest from the degree requirements (also see an update in the comments): It is a 4-instrument degree, with one “primary” and three “secondary” instruments. Two semesters of study are required on the primary instrument, and one … Read more

Favorite blog posts, December 2014

Hand-picked high-quality woodwind-related blog posts from around the web, December 2014 edition.

Purposeful fingering choices

I have gotten into the habit of grilling my students about their fingering choices: “Can you tell me which fingering you used for the last note in that phrase, and why you chose it?” Often they take this (and often correctly so) as an indication that I disapprove of their choices: “Oh, I guess I … Read more

Woodwind t-shirts now available

I won’t make a habit of posting advertisements here, but I wanted to make you all aware of a new way you can support what I do here at bretpimentel.com while also increasing your own cool factor. Behold the woodwind doubler t-shirt: It’s a nice quality American Apparel tee available in a variety of attractive … Read more

Favorite blog posts, November 2014

Hand-picked high-quality woodwind-related blog posts from around the web, November 2014 edition.

Practicing, boredom, and guilt

I find that my students who struggle with practicing are sometimes afraid to talk to me about it, and want to brush aside talk of their declining practice hours with thin excuses about having a “busy week.” But if we can address the problem honestly and openly, I can offer some suggestions to help them enjoy their practice time more and get more out of it.