The University of New Mexico is now offering a masters degree program in multiple woodwinds.

A few items of interest from the degree requirements (also see an update in the comments):
- It is a 4-instrument degree, with one “primary” and three “secondary” instruments. Two semesters of study are required on the primary instrument, and one semester each on the secondaries.
- The audition must include at least two instruments (one of them must be the primary instrument).
- The single required degree recital appears to be a recital on the primary instrument only. Personally, I’m not a fan of this—to me it doesn’t make much sense to study one instrument for performance and three more just to play in the practice room. But it may be a good option for a doubler who intends to have a single “main” instrument.
I am always glad to see new multiple woodwinds programs. I have added UNM’s to my list of multiple woodwinds degree programs. The list is intended to be comprehensive but likely has some gaps, so please let me know if you are aware of any others. In particular, I have been hearing from doublers outside the US who are looking for programs in their respective parts of the world, so be sure to send those along if you know they exist.
For more information about the program at UNM, please contact them directly using the email addresses in the flyer.
An update via email from Dr. Lau at UNM: “…the requirements you list are the minimums of course and we heavily encourage our WW majors to do a recital that includes their secondary instruments.”