2011 in review, and a New Year’s resolution

Here are a few of my favorite blog articles from 2011, for your re-reading pleasure:

Remember, you can keep up with my humble blog in 2012 via feed reader, Twitter, or email. I try to cover a lot of ground here, so if you’re interested in narrowing things down, you can find a blog article you like and click on any of the related “instruments,” “categories,” or “topics,” and then subscribe by RSS or email up near the top of the page, under the main header and just above the first article on the page, like so:

Also, I love to hear from the highly intelligent, talented, and attractive people who read my stuff, so please don’t hesitate to check in if you see something you like, something you don’t like, or something you would like to see more or less of. Or if you just want to say hello.

And, as promised:

My New Year’s resolution

It’s the same as every year: spend more practice time working on fundamentals. Every year I become more convinced that the way to sound amazing is to fill as many hours as possible with long tones, scales and arpeggios, and other stuff that my younger, more foolish self had filed under “boring.”

This was driven home again for me earlier this month while listening to hours of auditions for my university’s high school honor band. The auditionees were extremely talented, but for many the preparation seemed to be concentrated in playing as many notes as possible in as short a time as possible. But the students who got placed in the top chairs were the ones who played with even technique, solid tempo and rhythm, clear and ringing tone, precise intonation, dramatic dynamic range, and crisp articulation, even if their notes-per-minute count was a little lower.

Thanks for reading, and happy 2012!


3 responses to “2011 in review, and a New Year’s resolution”

  1. Rwegardig your new years ersaolutionb: I wjust wanted to type as fast as I coud to say YEs!!

  2. RichbroMe Avatar

    What about those that are not highly intelligent, somewhat talented trying to improve, not so attractive people who read your stuff?

    1. Haven’t heard from any readers like that yet, but I’m happy to hear from anyone who takes the time to write in. :)

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