Lesson bingo

A little something to keep myself entertained on long days of private lessons. Um, good luck?


7 responses to “Lesson bingo”

  1. Geoff Allen Avatar
    Geoff Allen


  2. David Freeman Avatar
    David Freeman


  3. This absolutely perfect! Thank you!
    The eerily unsettling thing is a distant sense of self-recognition. I used a couple of these myself way back in the day….

  4. Several of my private teachers would’ve hit Bingo during just one of my lessons. Ouch, my toes!

  5. Meri Newell Avatar
    Meri Newell

    You have obviously been teaching the same students that I have been teaching, although one might substitute “my lesson books are in ______’s car, and they are not on campus”.

  6. […] From Bret Pimentel, a woodwind blogger.  I’ll forgive him for playing the wrong instrument family because he’s come up with a great game for private music teachers.  He calls it Lesson Bingo. […]

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