- Betsy Sturdevant brainstorms some (tongue-in-cheek) reasons not to sharpen her bassoon reed profiler blade.
- Woodwind doubler Ed Joffe shares some practical advice about subbing on gigs.
- Flutist Nicole Riner explores some lessons about focus learned during an artist retreat.
- Joan Martí-Frasquier lists some repertoire for baritone saxophone.
- Oboist Jennet Ingle considers some ideas about motivation and doing difficult things.
- Clarinetist Michael Dean offers some small but useful performing tips.
- Flutist Jessica Quiñones shares some ways to build a private studio.
- Saxophonist Larry Weintraub recalls a day spent with Michael Brecker.
- Khara Wolf suggests solutions for oboe reeds with too-wide tip openings.
Woodwinds: Oboe
Favorite blog posts, November 2017
Hand-picked high-quality woodwind-related blog posts from around the web, November 2017 edition.
Favorite blog posts, September 2017
Hand-picked high-quality woodwind-related blog posts from around the web, September 2017 edition.
Jazz recital videos, August 2017
This year I played all jazz at my Delta State University faculty recital. Program and some selected videos are below. I’m very much a part-time jazz player, so it was fun to spend the summer trying to get my chops in shape to play tunes in a variety of styles on a variety of instruments. … Read more
Favorite blog posts, August 2017
Hand-picked high-quality woodwind-related blog posts from around the web, August 2017 edition.
Favorite blog posts, July 2017
Hand-picked high-quality woodwind-related blog posts from around the web, July 2017 edition.
Favorite blog posts, June 2017
Hand-picked high-quality woodwind-related blog posts from around the web, June 2017 edition.
Woodwind doubling on both oboe and bassoon
Mid- to late-20th-century music written for woodwind doublers, such as musical theater “books,” largely solidified around three main types of doubling specialists. The most common of these is the clarinet/saxophone/flute player. Less common but still widely used are the oboist with passable single reed skills, and the “low reeds” bassoon/bass clarinet/baritone saxophone player. In the … Read more
Favorite blog posts, April 2017
Hand-picked high-quality woodwind-related blog posts from around the web, April 2017 edition.
Favorite blog posts, December 2016
Hand-picked high-quality woodwind-related blog posts from around the web, December 2016 edition.