Recital videos, August 2019

Here are videos from my recent faculty recital at Delta State University. I performed the Saint-Saëns oboe, bassoon, and clarinet sonatas, plus the flute Romance and “The Swan” from The Carnival of the Animals as a baritone saxophone transcription.

“The Swan” is originally for cello, so I assumed it might work well as a baritone saxophone transcription. It turns out it really fits quite comfortably in the alto saxophone’s range, but I decided to take it on as a baritone piece anyway as a personal challenge.

Favorite blog posts, August 2019

Hand-picked high-quality woodwind-related blog posts from around the web, August 2019 edition.

Focus on fundamentals, not localized fixes

As I’ve discussed here previously, when trying to solve woodwind-playing problems there’s a useful distinction between problem-specific solutions and simply shoring up fundamental technique. Here are some examples of problem-specific solutions: Second-octave G-sharp tends to crack on saxophone, especially tenor? When you get to that note, blow warmer air (in other words, use a lower … Read more

Using the Fingering Diagram Builder’s advanced keywork controls

The most recent release of the Fingering Diagram Builder introduces some “shortcut” controls that make it easy to turn certain keys on and off. For example, with a quick check/un-check of a box you can turn on clarinet half-holes or some non-standard keys. Or, as always, there’s a dropdown list of “key sets” (which I … Read more

Your first lesson with your college instrument teacher

Every teacher is different, but here are some ideas of what you might expect when you take your first instrumental lesson with your new college teacher. Before the semester starts: When you have your login information, check your new university email and LMS (it might be something like “Canvas,” “Blackboard,” or “Moodle”—a site you can … Read more

Favorite blog posts, July 2019

Hand-picked high-quality woodwind-related blog posts from around the web, August 2019 edition.

Fingering Diagram Builder, version 0.8

I’m pleased to announce a new release of the Fingering Diagram Builder. One thing I wanted to do in this release is give something back to the very generous and sexy people who have been kind enough to use the PayPal donation link to show their support over the years, so I’ve added some special … Read more

Where to buy your child’s new school band instrument

There are pros and cons to the places you might shop for a band instrument. Here’s what you need to know, bad news first: Big-box stores (Walmart, Costco, etc.): these may already be your favorite places for one-stop back-to-school shopping, but a musical instrument probably shouldn’t be on your list here. The “instruments” they sell … Read more

What if I don’t love to practice?

Musicians are supposed to wake up every day filled with a burning desire to practice for hours, right? If you don’t feel that way, you must not really have what it takes, right? And even if you don’t feel like practicing, you should be able to will yourself to do it anyway, right? It’s normal … Read more

Favorite blog posts, June 2019

Hand-picked high-quality woodwind-related blog posts from around the web, June 2019 edition.