Category: Education
Teaching multiple instruments in higher education
While I thoroughly enjoy the variety in my day, there are some additional things worth considering if you take on multiple instruments in a collegiate teaching career.
FAQ on multiple woodwinds degrees
I get to hear fairly often from aspiring woodwind doublers who are considering the option of a college degree in multiple woodwinds. Here are some of the questions I answer most often. What school should I go to? There are a few options for undergraduates, more at the masters degree level, and a few for …
My studio “fresh air” policy
in EducationLast year I posted a small sign on my studio door: Fresh air policy If you smell of tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs, you will not be permitted to enter my office, whether or not you were the one using those substances. If your grade depends on you being here for a lesson, coaching, or …
Student auditions
in EducationI hear auditions on a pretty frequent basis: my college students audition for placement in university ensembles, prospective students audition for admissions and scholarships, high school musicians audition for the honor band the university hosts. It is pretty routine for me, but clearly sometimes extremely stressful for them. I thought it might be helpful to …
Buying a new instrument for college-level study
in EducationIf you are preparing to start a college music degree, you may need or want a new instrument. I strongly suggest that you contact your professor before making this purchase. Every professor is of course different, but here are some things that you are likely to discover in most cases: The professor will be happy and …
How I use my undergraduate core music curriculum every day
in EducationMy university students are sometimes unconvinced of the value of their core music curriculum. Like most music programs, the core at my school includes music theory, applied theory (aural skills like sight-singing and dictation, and piano/keyboard skills), and music history. Most of my students will be educators, like I am (most of them will teach …
Why college music education majors need applied study
in EducationMost of my university students are music education majors, with plans to become public school band directors. Their academic schedules are absolutely packed full with core music theory and musicology classes, keyboard proficiency, teaching methods, ensembles, and of course general education requirements. There isn’t room for anything extra. And yet they are required to take …
The myth of beginning band instrument “tests”
in EducationI’ve ranted about this previously, but since we are heading into a new school year, I thought it might be worth covering again and in more detail. Some beginning band programs kick off the year by allowing prospective students to “try out” the various instruments, ostensibly to determine which instrument they have the most natural …
University of Northern Iowa offers new multiple woodwinds degree
The University of Northern Iowa is now offering a Master of Music degree with a multiple woodwinds (3-instrument) emphasis. A few points of interest, according to degree information from their website: Students take 6 credit hours of study on a “primary” instrument, and 4 hours on a “secondary” instrument, and must “demonstrate proficiency” on a …
Advice for prospective college music majors
in EducationPhoto, Surat Lozowick Planning on being a college music major? Good for you! But if you’re like I was as a high school senior, there are some things you haven’t thought of yet. Now that I’m on the other end of things—a college music professor, teaching music majors—I have some advice that I share with …