As regular readers know, I have my university students (oboists, clarinetists, bassoonists, and saxophonists) each add a new recording to their library each semester. During the course of their respective degree programs, they should each accumulate a nice curated collection of recordings. Here are this semester’s selections:
Peter Cooper: Cooper & Marriner
Amazon (CD) | Amazon (download)
Repertoire: Concerti by Strauss and Mullikin.
John Bruce Yeh: Ebony Concerto
The clarinetists are getting music for clarinet with concert band (Stravinsky, Babin) and jazz big band (Gould, Bernstein, Shaw).
Amazon (CD) | Amazon (download)
Repertoire: Stravinsky Ebony Concerto, Babin Hillandale Waltzes, Gould Derivations, Bernstein Prelude, Fugue, and Riffs, and Shaw Concerto.
Karen Geoghegan: Plays Mozart, Rossini, Kreutzer, Crusell
Amazon (CD) | Amazon (download)
Repertoire: Concerti by Mozart and Rossini; Kreutzer Fantasie and Crusell Concertino.
Joseph Lulloff: Plays the Saxophone Music of Colgrass, Dahl, Ruggiero
The saxophonists are getting works for alto saxophone with band (Dahl), saxophone quartet with band (Colgrass), and soprano saxophone with orchestra (Ruggiero). Since I wanted to touch on some band repertoire, I also considered Dale Underwood’s Soliloquy, which I have in my own collection and probably has more standard saxophone-with-band fare, but which seems currently to have limited availability (I usually like to see the CD available from Amazon and downloads available from iTunes and/or Amazon). I was also rather taken with Mr. Lulloff’s playing a few years ago at the NASA conference, so here he is.
Amazon (CD) | Amazon (download)
Repertoire: Colgrass Urban Requiem for Saxophone Quartet and Wind Ensemble, concerti by Dahl and Ruggiero.
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