Number sign, sharp, or tic-tac-toe?

Number sign, sharp, or tic-tac-toe?


5 responses to “Number sign, sharp, or tic-tac-toe?”

  1. ericdano Avatar

    That is AWESOME

  2. SMVance Avatar

    I remember a computer program several decades ago that would pronounce aloud characters as they were typed; “#” was pronounced “sharp”.

  3. Liverwort Avatar

    I’ve worked with musical instruments (Synthesizers) as well as computer office equipment. The # was called the “Octothorp”
    by Sharp Fax machine service manuals.
    Wikipedia says the outside of the USA, if you say “Pound Sign” people think of £ British Pound Sterling.

  4. Great observation Bret! After comparing multiple images, it’s quite clear concerning the differences between the symbols. I do have a few students who call sharp signs, hash tags. This should help them out.

  5. Hm. I had not thought about that Bret. Quite important come to think about it though. Love your blog and thanks again for letting me use your fingering graphics in the 33 video guide for saxophone basic fingerings. I think I’m sending a few new readers over to you as well:)

    The URL for my entire website has changed though. I did a re-design and decided to go with another URL.
    The guide looks exactly the same but you’ll find it here now:

    Merry Christmas!

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