Frequently I think about something one of my teachers said to me as an undergraduate student. I was preparing for a rapidly upcoming recital, and played one of my repertoire pieces in a private lesson. There was a tricky page turn in the printed sheet music, and my run-through came to a halt while I fumbled with the pages. A little embarrassed, I assured my teacher that I intended to photocopy a page at some point so this wouldn’t happen in performance.
“You know, it’s not too soon to do that,” he said with a tired smile.
Of course I learned many valuable lessons from that teacher, but “it’s not too soon” is one that has really stayed with me, and now I try to pass it along to my students. Here are some things they (and sometimes I) like to procrastinate, but I try to remind them it’s not too soon to do:
- Photocopy pages to ease page turns
- Mark in all the places you intend to breathe, and practice them
- Look up any unknown foreign musical terms, and pencil in the translations
- Decide exactly what all ornaments, trills, and such are going to sound like, and practice them
- Listen to recordings
- Get that sticky pad or crumbling cork replaced
- Plan good fingerings, mark them in, and practice them
- Study the accompaniment part
- Pencil in any rhythms, accidentals, or other reminders that will improve your performance
- Start stockpiling good performance reeds
- Add dynamics or other expressive markings that support your interpretation, and practice them
What small things are you procrastinating in your own preparation? It’s not too soon to do them now.