Free music: five Arno Bornkamp saxophone albums

Check it out: Dutch classical saxophone virtuoso Arno Bornkamp has made five of his albums available for free download from his website. There’s a real wealth of repertoire here, and beautifully played. Did I mention free?


4 responses to “Free music: five Arno Bornkamp saxophone albums”

  1. Wow, excellent stuff. But some of the links don’t work…….:-(

    1. Sorry to hear they aren’t working for you—all worked fine for me.

  2. Seeing as I own some of these CD’s and have seen Arno and Ivo perform several of these pieces live I wholeheartedly agree: excellent stuff. I only miss their CD “Devil’s Rag” among the offerings. ;-)

  3. Yeah, I had problems with Periple (off of Reed my Mind) and the one I really wanted to hear, 09 Prélude, Cadence et Finale for saxophone & piano, which I did for a recital back in the day……

    Oh well.

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