Videos: Piazzolla Tango Etudes for multiple woodwinds

Here are some videos from a guest recital I did at the University of Tennessee at Martin a few weeks ago. Among other things, I played Ástor Piazzolla’s Tango Etudes, originally for solo flute, in my own arrangement for multiple woodwinds soloist.


3 responses to “Videos: Piazzolla Tango Etudes for multiple woodwinds”

  1. Steve Moffett Avatar
    Steve Moffett

    Congratulations on a great performance, and such great work on the adaptation. I hope you are really proud of both. I really enjoyed it!

  2. Can any of these transcriptions be bought? I’am a bassoonist, and would love to play the bassoon rendition.

    1. I did my own transcriptions. I’m not aware of a published bassoon version.

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