Want to be included here? Email me.
- A Jesuit's Introduction to the Irish Tin Whistle
- A Shakuhachi Journey
- A Story of an Old Bassoon
- Aaron Lakota
- Adolphesax
- Adventures in Woodwindland
- Alain et ses roseaux enchantés
- Alana Bean – Flutist and Piccoloist
- Alice Gallagher's Clarinet Studio Page
- Amy Likar
- An Oboe in Paradise.
- andrew d meyer
- Andrew Sprung, Clarinetist & Educator
- Angela Lickiss-Aleo
- Anton Schwartz - Jazz Saxophone
- Articles - Jim Walker, Flutist
- At the Woodwindfixer's Bench (Jeff Dening)
- austinfluteproject
- Aventuras en México
- Barry Blogs
- Barry's Saxophone Blog
- Bart Feller, flutist
- Bas' Shakuhachi Blog
- bassoon blog (Betsy Sturdevant)
- Bassoon Doctor
- Bassoon Freak
- Bassoon Operator
- Bassoon Talk
- Bassoon With a View
- Behind The Ligature
- bendersaxophone
- Best. Saxophone. Website. Ever.
- beth wiemann
- Bill Plake Music (saxophone)
- bitguru blog
- blog
- Blog - Elizabeth Eccleston
- blog - Katherine Needleman
- Blog - music
- Blog – Free Oboe and Flute Resources - Khara Wolf Music
- Blog :: –– Jason Alder :: (Bass) Clarinetist
- Blue Moon Bassoon Blog (Amanda Pierce)
- Bob Reynolds
- Born Again Oboe!
- Brandon Douthitt
- Brass And Winds - News
- Brent Weber
- Bret Pimentel, woodwinds
- Brian Blauch – Clarinet/Woodwind Specialist
- Burkart Flutes & Piccolos Blog
- Buzzing Reed- Classical Music & Clarinet Culture
- Cambridge Saxophone
- Casa Valdez Studios
- Catherine's Musings
- Cayla Bellamy, bassoon - Blog
- Chastine Hofmeister, Clarinetist
- Christel Rice's guide to the Irish tin whistle
- Christine Carter
- Clarinet Cache
- Clarinet Central - FOOD FOR THOUGHT
- Clarinet Choir Blog by Silverwood
- Clarinet Divas (Diana Haskell)
- Clarinet Jar
- Clarinet Jobs
- Clarinet Now Blog
- Clarinet Reed Help
- Clarinet Talk from Miami
- clarinet things
- ClarinetFest Blog
- Clarineticus Intergalacticus
- Clarinetist
- ClarinetMike Blog
- clarinetpassion
- CLARIPERU - El clarinete en Latinoamerica
- Clark W Fobes
- Classical Music in Charm City
- Colin Lippy's Sax Talk
- Colin Maier
- Composing Insights
- Confessions of a Music Student
- Cooper Wright Reeds' Blog
- Cornelius Boots – Bamboo Shakuhachi Master & Composer – Zen, New Music and Bold Creativity.
- Craig Buhler Jazz
- Cynthia Ellis - Teaching Tips
- D'Addario Woodwinds Blog
- David A. Wells, bassoon
- David Freeman Music
- David M. Erato
- Day to Day
- DeMarius Jackson
- Dobbs Blogs
- DoctorFlute (Angela McBrearty)
- Dominican Oboist
- Donna Schwartz Music
- Double Reeds and City Streets
- Doug Tipple's Irish Flutes
- Dr. Cate's Flute Tips (Cate Hummel)
- Dr. Joseph Tomasso
- Dr. Pierce's Bassoon Studio
- Drake Mouthpieces
- Dudukhouse - Dudukhouse Blog
- earspasm - read. (Michael Lowenstern, bass clarinet)
- Echoes From The Mesa
- eddie rich
- EG-REEDS (Éric González, oboe)
- El deporte de ser músico
- Eric Daniel and Friends's Blog
- ericpapaclarinetist
- erynoft
- Evan Tate's SaxTips eZine
- Everything Saxophone (Ben Britton)
- EWI Reason Sounds - Tutorials/News
- Five Holes (a shakuhachi blog)
- Flute Builder
- Flute Journal
- Flute Pro Shop: The Blog
- Flute Punch
- Flutes are Fun
- Flutin' High
- Free Online Saxophone Lessons | YouTube Video Blog Posts
- From The Horn
- From Your Rico Rep...
- Gentry Music – Clarinetist
- Gentry Music – Woodwind Specialist
- Good Music and a Clean Conscience
- Gordophone
- Great Alaska Adventure
- Greg Huckins For Director
- Hannah B Flute
- Harder Bop
- Hautbois
- healthyoboist
- HeaneyMusings - Joshua Heaney (saxophone)
- Hear Here
- heather roche
- Hinano Ishii
- Hodge Products, Inc.: Latest News
- how about oboe?
- How To Make Oboe Reeds (Tim Feil)
- Howarth of London
- I Should Be Practicing
- Imani Winds
- In One Breath
- Indy Flute Shop
- Inhorn Band Instrument Repair
- Innovative Ideas in Performance and Pedagogy (IPAP)
- International Clarinet Association
- Intervals - David Liebman's Newsletter
- Jacob's Teaching Blog
- Jaleel Shaw's Blog
- Jarrod Butler – Musician // Teacher // Conductor
- Jason DuMars Engraving
- Jason Justice | Saxophone Teacher
- Jay Brandford
- Jazz-Clarinet.com
- Jazz-Flute.Com
- Jazz-Oboe.com
- Jazz-Sax.Com
- JazzBariSax.com (Andrew Hadro)
- Jean-Francois Charles
- Jennet Ingle (oboe)
- Jennifer Cluff (flute)
- Jenny Connors
- Jenny Maclay (clarinet)
- Jessica Harrie
- Jessica Lurie Music
- Joan Martí-Frasquier (saxophone)
- joannerosecarr
- Joe the Musician
- Joffe Woodwinds (Ed Joffe)
- John Martin-Saxophonist-Composer
- John Thomas's Blog
- JohnSaxWilliams
- Josh Cook's Jazz Saxophone Page
- Josh On That Sax (Joshua Mlodzianowski)
- JQ Flute
- JQ Flute (Jessica Quiñones)
- Julie A. Linder (clarinet)
- Just another Sopraboist
- just living in the city
- Keen Flute Studio
- Ken Peplowski
- Kessler & Sons Music
- Key Leaves - News
- Kika Wright::Bassoon
- Kirk Whalum | Blog
- Kristopher King (bassoon)
- Kurtzweil Musical
- Laurence Perkins Blog
- ldssaxophonist
- Learning to Whistle
- LearnSaxophoneOnline.com (Jeffrey Cunningham)
- LearnTinWhistle.com
- Library Oboist
- Life in B-flat
- Loboe Project
- Lone Oboe
- MADclarinet
- Making Music
- Making Oboe Reeds
- Marc Holt Music
- marionharringtonclarinet
- Mark Catoe
- Marlene Metz Hartzler
- Marybeth Kern
- Matt Anderson
- Matthew Fox, Woodwinds
- mattotto.org
- Medina Reeds
- Meerenai Shim (flute)
- Meri’s Musical Musings
- Michael Shults
- Michele's Occasional Updates
- Miguel Fernando's Blog
- Mihael Paar
- Mike Lee
- Mike McGinnis
- mikeybassoon
- Mixing Oboe and Coffee
- Mizuho Yoshii
- Music at the Confluence
- Music Major - Majoring in Music
- music matters-bassoon
- Music Strong – Angela McCuiston's Blog
- Music, life, and an iphone
- music1oh1
- MusicBayside
- Musings from a Saxophonist...
- My life in Tallahassee
- My Musical Equipment Closet
- my southern life
- Myoan Flute
- Nadina Mackie (bassoon)
- Nicholas Daniel
- Nicole Chamberlain, Composer & Flutist
- Nicole Riner, flutist
- Northern California Flute Circle
- Northern NSW Flute Circle
- Northwoods Oboe ("Kaitlyn")
- Notes of an Anesthesioboist
- Oboe Theory and Procrastination
- oboealli (Alli Gessner)
- oboeinsight (Patty Mitchell)
- Oboemotions
- Oboerista – thoughts from an oboist / coffeeist / dad
- Oboeron
- Observing Focal Dystonia (Andrée Martin)
- Pacific Bassoons
- Patricia Crispino (clarinet)
- Patricia Morehead
- Paul Maine Music
- Paula Brusky, PhD
- PauloMusic's Blog
- perboysen.com
- Pete Cook Sax
- Peter Spitzer Music Blog
- Piccolo Perfection
- plumber's nightmare
- ponyreviews
- Practice Monster (David Pope, saxophone)
- Practice Room Revelations
- Practice Room Revelations - Jolene Madewell (flute)
- practicelog
- Prairie Oboe Companion
- ProneOboe (Jennet Ingle)
- Quarter Life Freak Out
- Rachel Taylor Geier (flute)
- Rachel Yoder , clarinet
- rachel: in progress
- Ramón Wodkowski
- Recorder Jen (Jennifer Mackerras)
- Reed Pros
- Reedery Blog
- ReedGeek
- Rena Urso-Trapani
- Repair My Flute
- Rhett Bender's Creating Music in Southern Oregon
- Richard S Krishnan - My Journey
- Richard Stoltzman
- River City Reeds
- Robosynth
- rodfluteblog
- Rodriguez Musical Services
- Russell Porter, Bassoon - News.
- Sal Lozano
- Sam Newsome's Blogspot: Soprano Sax Talk
- Sax Mad
- Sax On The Tube
- Sax on the Web
- Sax ProShop
- Sax-O-holic
- Saximus Maximus
- saxofonistas y clarinetistas bolivianos
- Saxophone - Sax Station
- Saxophone Alive!
- Saxophone Central
- Saxophone Technique
- Saxophone Technique (Sarah Anne Wolkowski)
- Saxophonist Shannon Kennedy
- Saxton Rose
- Saxvickers's Blog
- Saxy Ska
- Sexy Sax Blog
- Shakuhachi - Brian's Florida Shakuhachi Blog
- Shakuhachi Stuff Writting 10 Minutes a Day
- Shane Underwood
- Shannon Ebeling
- Shannon Kennedy News & Updates
- Shelley Collins, flutist - Blog
- Sherman Friedland's Clarinet Corner
- shostyscholar
- SK - Blog
- Smooth Jazz Saxophonist Paula Atherton
- So Many Instruments, So Little Time!
- Soloflute?
- stardust
- Stefan Zeniuk
- Steve Engel
- Steve Goodson's Nation of Music
- Steve Neff Music Blog (saxophone)
- Stohrer Music
- Stories by Buffet Crampon Research, Development & Innovation on Medium
- StormHorn
- Studio Notes - alysaflute
- surfingtheflowersong
- suz-news
- Sweet Vibrations
- Swift Bassoon
- Taming The Saxophone
- Tammy Evans Yonce, flutist
- Teach Flute
- teachbassoon.com
- Teaching Music Today for Tomorrow
- TeledyN: Have Blog - Will Travel
- TeledyN: the Blog Continues
- Tenly
- Tenly's Oboe Teaching Page
- Tenor Madness
- Tenor Madness | All things Tenor Saxophone and more...
- The Babel Flute
- The Balanced Flutist
- The Bass Clarinet Guru
- The Bassic Sax Blog » (Helen Kahlke)
- the bassoon chick
- The Bis Key Chronicles
- The C Saxophone Archives - the best of csax.net and cmelodysax.co.uk etc.
- The Charles Lloyd Blog
- The Clarinet Blog
- The Council of Canadian Bassoonists
- The Curious Clarinetist
- The Dorset C Sax annexe
- The Ear of the Mind
- The Ear of the Mind
- The Flute Artisan
- The Flute Coach
- The Flute Examiner
- The Flute Hoot
- The Flute View
- The Heckeler - Historical Performance and Beyond
- The Horn Kicker
- The Irish Flute Blog
- The Irish Whistle
- The Jazz Clarinet
- The Life of a Musician
- The Musician's Way Blog
- The New Zealand Saxophone Blog
- The Oboist
- the Operatic Saxophone (Mary Huntimer)
- The Practice Notebook
- The Rantings of a Mindless Jazz Enthusiast
- The Romans Record
- The Saxophone Corner
- The Theisen Journal - Alan Theisen, musician
- The View from Here
- The Vintage Clarinet Doctor - Blog (Jeremy Soule)
- The Woodwind Forum Blog »
- TheSax.Info Blog
- This Is Just a Small Portion of Someones Life
- Thoughts from a Tamed Cynic
- Thoughts of a Female Jazz Musician
- Threeds Oboe Trio
- Timothy Owen, Saxophonist
- Timothy Phillips
- Ton Kooiman
- Trent Jacobs, bassoonist
- Universal Method for Saxophone
- Viviana Guzman
- Wade Howles | Saxophone | Woodwinds | Music Education | Nebraska
- Wayne Leechford
- What a Mullerful World
- What Makes Me Smile
- Where's Walter?
- Wild Reeds on Mica Peak
- William Short
- windworksstudio
- Wood, Wind and Reed - News and Events
- Woodwind Gear News
- woodwindextraordinaire
- words and music
- Working and living in the North Bay
- Ye Olde Music Major
- Yr Obo Teithio
- Zzyzx Quartet