Recommended: Jennifer Cluff’s flute blog

If you aren’t reading Jennifer Cluff’s blog, I highly recommend surfing on over and spending a few hours:

Ms. Cluff’s blog gets my vote for being the most useful woodwind-related blog currently on the web, with long and in-depth posts about flute playing, including, sometimes, answers to readers’ questions. There is really excellent stuff here for beginners and very advanced flutists alike. I just finished reading her latest post, on excess movement in flute playing. Ms. Cluff’s posts are sporadic but always worthwhile, so subscribe to the RSS feed if you’re cool like that.

A very different blog that I also enjoy is Patty Mitchell’s oboeinsight. Ms. Mitchell posts very frequently, several times per day. Often she posts just to share a link or YouTube video, to complain about a reed problem, or to pass along a quote about the oboe or about classical music. She mostly isn’t generating serious original content like Ms. Cluff is doing, but she’s an entertaining read (or an entertaining “reed,” she might say).


One response to “Recommended: Jennifer Cluff’s flute blog”

  1. […] Bret! It’s nice of you to mention me. But I guess I’d better get more serious, […]

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