- DoctorFlute (Angela McBrearty): Tight Embouchure No Problem
- Nicole Riner, flutist: How can we better counsel our music students and their families?
- Jenny Maclay (clarinet): Why is my mouthpiece green? (And other weird clarinet questions you’re too embarrassed to ask your teacher)
How to do long tones (and why)
Long tones are at the core of most woodwind warmup routines. The most simple and obvious version is this: Simple sustained notes are good for developing consistent breath support, which is required to keep the long tone steady in pitch, volume, and tone color. (Some teachers also suggest them for developing “embouchure strength,” one of … Read more
Favorite blog posts, December 2023
Hand-picked high-quality woodwind-related blog posts from around the web, December 2023 edition.
Favorite blog posts, November 2023
Hand-picked high-quality woodwind-related blog posts from around the web, November 2023 edition.
Favorite blog posts, October 2023
Hand-picked high-quality woodwind-related blog posts from around the web, October 2023 edition.
Pedagogy appropriate to students’ level
I remember as a young college student attending a masterclass by a world-class musician. He was scornful of students spending a lot of time in practice rooms playing scales. He urged us instead to get outside and watch a sunset, and then “play the sunset.” Advice like that has its place. But I was doing … Read more
Woodwind technique and conservation of energy
That people prefer to move in energetically optimal ways has been established for decades and now represents a central principle of movement science. … Energy optimization may also occur over the course of a lifetime, as years of experience could allow people to learn the optimal way to move in familiar situations and allow training … Read more
Favorite blog posts, September 2023
Hand-picked high-quality woodwind-related blog posts from around the web, September 2023 edition.
Using electronic harmonization with woodwinds
In a recent recital I performed my own arrangement of Ravel’s Boléro for multiple woodwinds soloist using electronics, with piano and snare drum. I used electronics to try to approximate some of Ravel’s harmonies (and timbres), and used what in my mind are three different techniques, which I’ll try to outline here. In performance, I … Read more
Recital videos, August 2023
I’m pleased to share videos from my recent Delta State University faculty recital.