The following list is ostensibly science- or common-sense-oriented articles and resources geared toward safely rehearsing and performing on wind instruments during the COVID-19 pandemic. I am unqualified to comment on their accuracy or reliability, and I recommend that you read widely and with due skepticism, and err on the side of safety. The links are listed in the order in which they came to my attention. Please feel free to send additional links.
I have indicated articles that appear to be promoted or funded by commercial entities, since I cannot determine for sure whether they are influenced by profit (or, indeed, business survival) motives to favor specific narratives.
Last updated July 18, 2022
- Statement on preventing spread of novel coronavirus for wind musicians, by Adam Schwalje, MD, DMA.
- Reducing Bioaerosol Emissions and Exposures in the Performing Arts: A Scientific Roadmap for a Safe Return from COVID19, research in progress at Colorado State University. Several organizations (listed at the link) have contributed funding, including some commercial entities.
- Risk Assessment regarding Corona-Infections in Music Making, by Claudia Spahn, MD, PhD, and Bernhard Richter, MD. (Being updated as warranted.)
- Covid-19 and Instrument Cleaning, from the NAMM Foundation. The Foundation appears to be a philanthropic organization, but is tied to NAMM, a professional organization of commercial entities.
- Wind Instrument Aerosol in Covid Era – COVID-19 and horns, trumpets, trombones, euphoniums, tubas, recorders, flutes, oboes, clarinets, saxophones and bassoons, by Adam Schwalje, MD, DMA, and Henry Hoffman, MD
- Related video presentation from 2020 IDRS Virtual Symposium
- Singing in choirs and making music with wind instruments ‒ Is that safe during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic?, by Christian J. Kähler (Prof. Dr.) and Rainer Hain (Dr.)
- COVID-19 Reed Sanitizing, by Ann Hodge. From a commercial entity’s blog.
- A public Facebook post regarding woodwind reeds and COVID-19, by Adam Schwalje, MD, DMA, based on a conversation with Peter W Krug, Ph.D.
- Performing Arts Aerosol Study, Round one preliminary results: Clarinet, Flute, Horn, Soprano Singer, Trumpet, study chairs James Weaver and Mark Spede. Several organizations (listed at the link) have contributed funding, including some commercial entities.
- Aerosol generation from different wind instruments, by Ruichen He, Linyue Gao, Maximilian Trifonov, and Jiarong Hong.
- Playing wind instruments generates less aerosol than vocalisation, COVID-19 study finds, press release from University of Bristol. Refers to a study by Dr. Bryan Bzdek and Jonathan Reid.
- Impulse dispersion of aerosols during playing wind instruments, by Sophia Gantner, Matthias Echternach, Reinhard Veltrup, Caroline Westphalen, Marie Christine Köberlein, Liudmila Kuranova, Gregor Peters, Bernhard Jakubaß, Tobias Benthaus, Michael Döllinger, and Stefan Kniesburges.
- Measurement of aerosol from brass and woodwind instruments playing 5 minutes in distances from 0.5 to 4 meter, by Lars Brandt, MD, PhD.
- Workplace Safety Guidelines, from the Atlanta Federation of Musicians.