December links digest

I try not to just dump lists of links very often, but here are a few fun items that didn’t warrant their own full posts:

  • Here, Dr. Coleman models the new flute case cover from Cavallaro, featuring simulated shearling liner and spacious accessory pocket.

    Flutists in the news: NASA astronaut Cady Coleman makes music in outer space.

  • Artist Matthias Adolfsson proposes some new members of the woodwind family.
  • Musicians can save the world, over at Betsy’s blog.
  • Esther at Obohemia explains how to tell the flute, the clarinet, and the oboe apart [update: link dead].
  • And this one is from me: some holiday fun with one of Butch Hall‘s amazing Native American flutes. One of the loveliest instruments I own. Merry Christmas to those who are celebrating it.


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